Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My name is  A. I’m 16 years old in the 11th grade an I attend High School. I was born December 10, 1997 at Cedar Sinai Hospital in Beverly Hill, CA, I live with my parents they both graduated from college and graduated school, my Dad owns his own landscaping business, and my Mom works for the great State of California, Department of Social Services as a Social Worker. I have 2 brothers one older and one younger. We have one (1) male dog name Zak. Our family had 2 dogs. Our beloved family dog Pebbles was killed in a hit-and-run accident this summer and the driver did not stop to help or look back. The loss of Pebbles really hurt my family and me. Pebbles was so special to us. Apart of our family is gone forever; we had a funeral for Pebbles.  I’m a dog lover and really miss my dog Pebbles.
I attended K Anthony’s private preschool at the age of 2 and K Anthony’s private elementary school from Kindergarten until 3rd grade. I was involved in every activity on campus and was in every school play. I got good grades and love the owner of the private school. It felt like home everyone cared about each other and there was a lot of love and respect for one another. We were one big happy family.  
In the 4th grade I went to St. Eugene Catholic School for one year and I had a great teacher and I was very activity there too and I participated in all the school activities and school plays. I was on the honor roll the entire time I was there and received many certificates and awards.
When I went to the 5th grade I asked my parents if I can please go to a public school without uniforms. They agreed and completed the CHOICES application; I got accepted to Paseo Del Rey Magnet Elementary School. It was my first year in a real public school; things were so different from my private and Catholic schools. The public school was huge compared to my old schools. I was a little nervous about going that first day. I was that new kid, I didn’t know anyone there, I was wondering how I would fit in been the new kid, the class room had over 30 kids in class, my old school only had about 15 kids in its class. The kids at my old school were very respectful, obeyed the school rules and had good morals. Some of the kids at my new school did not respect the teachers are the school. I met a lot of new friends there, a few kids from my old private school was there too. Then the school year came to an end, we all graduated from elementary school, some kids went to the same public middle school and other kids went to different schools. I went to a new charter school for the 6th grade, here we go again, and I was the new kid again. I met a lot of new friends again that first years was great. I made the honor roll, that second year our charter school had a lot of financial problems, they close the school down for a few days the second week of school, they had to let some of the best teachers go, and they had to make all these changes, a lot of the parents was really upset with the changes, they wasn’t sure if the school would stay open or close. The charter school was in financial trouble and it was on the local news regarding mishandling of school funds. My parents checked my younger brother and me out after the second week of the first semester.
We both left the charter school and attended John Burroughs Middle School (JBMS) we really like our new school, and we’ve both met a lot of new friends. I culminated from JBMS with honors; it was so hard to say good-bye. I miss my teachers and old friends that did not come to Fairfax High School. I met new friends and many of my old friends from JBMS also came to Fairfax. High school was so exciting and different. My 9th grade year I hung out with the wrong crowd, my friends didn’t care about school or their education and a lot of them got kicked out because of bad grades and for not going to class, they did not return back our 10th grade year, my grades also dropped. My parents stayed on me and I got my act together my grades improved and I was able to continue on. I went to the prom my sophomore year and had a great time. This year is my junior year and I’m working really hard to do well in all my classes because I want to go to college and make something out of myself.  
I’ve always been a leader. I’m very friendly, caring, helpful, outgoing, funny, happy, loving, joyful, dependable, punctual, respectful, and a dedicated person, that love life and the people in my life.
 My goals in life are to stay focus, get good grades in school, so that I can go to college. My extracurricular activities consist of: Being a member of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. Delta GEMS, I’m on the swim and track team. I was in ROTC and a member of the Black Student Union club my 9th grade year until they took it away due to budget cuts. I have been a member of Girl Scout for almost 13 years and I was also on our school Tennis team for 2 years.
I attend church every Sunday with my family and I sing in the youth choir. This summer I apply for a cashier position at Church’s Fried Chicken in Inglewood, CA about a mile from my home and I got the job all on my own. My parents were very proud of me. I work every weekend and get paid every Friday once a week 52 times a year. I opened up a bank account in my name and I have a direct deposit account. I save most of money and I also spend some of my money on things I like and I help my little brother out and buy him stuff he wants too.  
 My hobbies are: Shopping, designing and making clothes, styling hair, swimming, listen to music on my iPod and cell phone, talking on the cell phone, texting, reading, surfing the internet/web, watching reality television, playing board games, video games, riding my bike, exercising, shopping, skating, dinner and going to the movies. I believe in God almighty! I enjoy life and spending quality time with my family and friends.
My future goals in life are to stay focus, get good grades in high school, so that I can go to college. I would like to attend an Ivy League or HBCU college or university and I want to go to college out of State. My plan is to go to college and graduated school and become a Clinical Psychologist. I also want to enjoy life and travel the world. I want to get married around the age of 25 years of age and have children by the age of 35 years old.   


  1. You sure sound like a nice person, we have similar hobbies. I like the way you express yourself GOOD JOB.

  2. i like how you wrote your essay. i like how you talk good about yourself.
