Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How it feels to be me

When I was a little girl I was very bright, and curious. Most of the kid’s parents at my pre-school and elementary school didn’t want their kids to hang out with me because they believed that I was a bad seed, and was going to make their kids as bad as I was. But that wasn’t the case. In my last year at PDRNSMS. I had this one teacher she was Irish and very strike she felt that I wasn’t ready for middle school. However my mom and I felt different towards that opinion. So I graduated with my 5th grade class. Once I made it to middle school all the teachers loved me, however the kids was very jealous of me because I was the teacher’s pet. I was bullied although my middle school. But I always stayed strong, I never showed weakness. I didn’t let anyone tare me down or my spirits. My mom always told me “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” I never forgot that quote. In high school I made a lot of friends and lost a lot of friends but friends come and go. But I always stayed strong no matter what. All the haters that entered my life was wrong about me, they told me I wasn’t smart enough to make it out of middle school! I proved them wrong, for all of the children saying I’m annoying and ugly! I proved them wrong, and know I’m a better me making amazing grade above credits and doing well in school and college material. If it wasn’t for those negative people on my life I wouldn’t be the person I am today. So I appreciate them for entering my life and allowing me to prove them wrong so thank you. To my Irish elementary school teacher, thank you to all those childish little girls talking about me behind my back, and lastly thank you God for blessing me with an amazing mother for always telling me that the B are the best in anything we do. So I’m very thankful for all  my struggles in life and I hopefully my new struggles will be even better than my old ones, I look at my struggles not saying I hate them or I regret things I did I look at my struggle and learn an important lesson from them. That’s what made me a better and improved person in so many ways.

Monday, March 16, 2015

                       A small leak will sink a great ship

A small leak will sink a great ship

A leak can be small or big

A leak can be bigger then you and I

All the damage you did will finally erupt

Soon the leak will rise 

To the fullest 

Later become a ocean so that we can sail on 

A small leak will sink a great ship.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Virtual Selves
In this module, you will read four articles that I believe that are the best choices. First article is “What you say online could Haunt You”By: Kornblum, Janet and Marklein, Mary on page 163 Test 7. Second article “Whom am we” By: Turkie Sherry page 197 Text 6. Third article “Time’s Person of the Year: You” By: You “By: Grossman, Lev page 125 Text 4.
A college student Michael Guinn thought the photos he posted of himself dressed as a drag would be seen only by friends. But Guinn made a mistake when someone showed the photos on Facebook to administrators at john Brown University, a Christian college in Siloam Springs, “ the last straw for them,” says Guinn, 22, who is gay.
In January, Guinn was kicked out of school. As more student turn to websites such as Facebook. Instagram, Twitter and Myspace to chronicle their lives and socialize with friends, they are also leaning that their words and pictures are reaching way beyond peers for whom they were intended. And some, like Guinn, are paying a price.
In the past few months, college, high schools and even middle schools students across the USA have been suspended or expelled, thrown off athletic teams, passed over for jobs, and even arrested based on their online postings.
Students post pictures of themselves holding cans of beers and bottles of liquor even when they’re underage. They pose suggestively wearing little sometimes no clothing. Some appear to be smoking marijuana in bongs or joints, even holding firearms. They openly write nasty comments about each other or their teachers and coaches online.
To teens and young adults, social websites are private spaces where they can interact in the open, multimedia style of the online world in which they grew up. But to adults, these sites are places where kids are naively putting their reputations and futures on the line not to mention personal safety at risk.
As recently 10 + 15 years ago, it was almost unthinkable to speak of the computer’s involvement with ideas about unstable meanings and unknowable truths. The computer was known as the calculating machine. In an introductory programming course at Harvard University in 1978. One professor introduced the computer to the class by calling it a giant calculator.” The professor re assured the students, was a cut and dried technical activity whose rules were crystal clear.
From today’s perspective, the fundamental lessons of computing are wrong. Programming is no longer cut and dried. The lessons of computing today have to do not with calculation and rules, but with simulation and interaction. The very image of the computers as a giant calculator has become quaint and dated.
Today we use off the shelf products to manipulate simulated desktops, draw with simulated paints and brushes, and fly in simulated airplane cockpits.
Children are comfortable with the idea that inanimate objects can both think and have a personality. But children don’t worry if the machine is alive. They know it’s not. The issue of aliveness has moved into the background as through it is settled. But the notion of the machine has expanded to include its having a psychology. In talking about computers in a psychological way, children allow computational machines to retain an animistic trace. Children brains are growing every day and us as teen young adults and adults shouldn’t let our future go to waste with technology.
The “Great Man” theory of history is usually attributed to the Scottish Philosopher Thomas Carlyle, who wrote that “the history of the world is but the biography of great men.”
The conflict in Iraq only got bloodier and more entrenched. A war dragged on in Sudan. But look at 2006 through a different lens and you’ll see another story. One that isn’t about conflict or great men. It’s a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It’s a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter.
We’re ready to blame our diet of predigested news with raw feeds from Baghdad and Boston and Boston and Beijing. We made Facebook profiles and second life avatars and reviewed book at amazon and recorded podcasts.
But 200c gave us some ideas. As an opportunity to build a new kind of international opportunity to build a new kind of international understanding.” Not politician to politician, great man to man, but citizen to citizen, person to person.” It’s a chance for people to lock at a computer screen and really, genuinely wonder who’s out there.
All of the articles I provided had an amazing concept. The first article talked about how social media can catch up to you, if you want to go college or even for jobs. The moral of this lesson is to be careful of what you write or show on social media. Second article told you about who decided to make a computer, but when time went on we realized we can do much more than using a calculator. Third article represents the foundation a risk you have and in using a computer. Then talks about how people using the computer for a second life. That’s what the virtual life can do to you.
Work cited:
Text 7 page 163 “What you say on line can haunt you.”
Text 6 page 147 “Who am we.”33
Text 4 page 125 “Time person of the year.”